so i got a whole mess of shit planned for winter spring 09/10
-New Jersey fatality grinders Get Over Here will share an outdated plastic chunk of audio with Poke hyper grinders Graveler. both paying heavy tribute to old school grind with a modern themed twist.
hands down. it's going to fucking rip
-Bay Area Ear fucked 3 way split GoLikethis/Godstomper/Dos Amigos
im fuckin super stoked on gettin to share a release with these two bay area legends. go like this(feat. members of agents of satan,plutocracy,bullshit excuse)bring some punk/metal/grind hybridness to the table(think late suicidal tendencies) while godstomper toss out their signature brand of scum era- napalm death bass drum noise. CD Release date soon
-the yet to be titled giant ass comp cd is just around the bend, with a hopeful release of january 2010. 90+ songs 60+ bands. this is going to eat your face.
-other shit in the works from,mindwreck,slapendehonden,bundy,progeria,plague,nemesis complex,faction disaster, burn idols and more.
Available Now:
Thrashmouth#5&8 are fresssh off my ghetto ass tape deck and ready to give yer ears a healthy thrashing
EddieBrock"SuperPowers Violence"
5 ripping cuts of raging maryland thrash. ranging from a healthy chug to an absolute blasting assault. barking vocals a la lack of interest spit healthy chunks of hate and dissatisfaction.
tape. 25 black 25 blue.
Dos Amigos/Gorgonized Dorks "Ear Violence(MorethanYouCanBear)" Split
Bass+Drum Thrashy grind vs. Legendary noisecore duo. Dos amigos burn through 7 tracks in 3 minutes covering the essentials fucked up child molesters, puking, and mythical black metal warriors, while gorgonized dorks open the floodgates and let a fucking shitstorm of grinding noise completely annihilate your senses.
tape.50 blue
also available:
ordstro I CD, II tape(Thrashmouth #2,#3)
IDECIDE"spiking drinks with holy water" tape (heavy as fuck grinding thrash)(THRASHMOUTH#10)
TearGas-self titled tape(old school d-beat punkers)(skull crasher Records)
Fed Up-Bleak Reality tape(old school hardcore)(Violence on tape)
xharoldshitmanx/WheelchairWheelchairWheelchairWheelchair(scottish powerviolence chaos)(Derry Air Records)
burn idols S/T cassette(doomy dystopian thrash) (true violence on tape)
stoked on everything.
be excited as fuck
purchases for now with check or money order or online at
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